A Christian Radio Production 501(c)3 Company
A Christian Radio Production 501(c)3 Company


Our Mission

Life, Hope and Sound Broadcasting (LHS) is an independent non-profit organization with a mission to bring Christ centered biblical truths via radio stations throughout the world.

Our Purpose

The purpose of LHS is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world and the help Christians mature in their faith to live a life dependent on God by applying the biblical truths heard through preaching, teaching, testimonies and music.


LHS was born out of the Lord’s mandate to “…go into all the world and make disciples of all the nations…” and the need to spread Biblical truths.

The Lord prompted the founder, and the message was later confirmed through some of leaders of Hobe Sound Bible Church, to consider broadcasting theĀ  teaching, preaching, music, and messages available to them through the ministry of the church. LHS began producing short teaching programs and testimonies to distribute them via established radio stations around the world.


© Copyright 2018-19 | Life, Hope and Sound